The federal asylum blockchain infrastructure

The new blockchain-based support system FLORA supports cooperation between the authorities involved in the asylum procedure. It aims to improve processes and reduce the likelihood of processing errors.

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FLORA – The federal asylum blockchain infrastructure

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees — together with the Branch Business & Information Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) and two implementation partners — is developing a blockchain -based support system for the cooperation between the authorities involved in the asylum procedure. The Federal Office expects that using FLORA will lead to a more rapid exchange of information free of media discontinuities. Such an information exchange will shorten procedures and save considerable resources. What is more, security aspects can be taken into consideration more efficiently. Furthermore, it will enable the consultation of documents and the organization of returns to be initiated early. In addition, integration processes can be initiated early when a favorable decision was taken by making early allocations to the municipalities.

Blockchain technology at the Federal Office

Explanatory film about the potential applications of blockchain technology at the Federal Office

Federal Blockchain Infrastructure Asylum (FLORA) format: Whitepaper

uThe Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has worked together with the Saxony Land Directorate (LDS) in the Anker facility in Dresden to set the stage for a federal blockchain asylum infrastructure (FLORA) in Germany. A new blockchain-based support system supports cooperation between authorities in the asylum process.

Whitepapers on blockchain and its implementation in the Federal Office

Opportunities and challenges of using blockchain technology in public administration

As part of the establishment of a federal blockchain infrastructure (FLORA), since 2018 the BAMF has been gathering a wide range of experience on the technical, organisational and legal challenges involved with using blockchain, as well as on the special opportunities involved.

Developing a blockchain solution in the German asylum process in compliance with data protection

The BAMF is currently developing a blockchain solution for cooperation between authorities in the asylum process, together with the “Business & Information Systems Engineering” Project Group of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) and two implementation partners. After a feasibility study had been successfully carried out, work was started in August 2018 on the pilot phase in cooperation with the Saxony Land Directorate (LDS) for a blockchain solution to be used in the AnkER facility in Dresden.

Federal Blockchain Infrastructure Asylum (FLORA)

uThe Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has worked together with the Saxony Land Directorate (LDS) in the Anker facility in Dresden to set the stage for a federal blockchain asylum infrastructure (FLORA) in Germany. A new blockchain-based support system supports cooperation between authorities in the asylum process.

Digitization of certification processes in the asylum procedure by means of digital identities

The "Digitization of certification processes in the asylum procedure by means of digital identities" whitepaper is part of a feasibility study to digitally map certification processes for asylum seekers and applicants.

Supporting communication and cooperation in the asylum procedure with Blockchain technology

The federal government is looking to similarly advance Germany with a targeted digitalisation strategy and strengthen the public administration using digital technologies. One of the technologies the government is focusing on is Blockchain. Blockchain is a decentralised database technology that stores data in cryptographically linked blocks forming a highly tamperresistant chain.

Data management in the asylum procedure in Germany

The EMN study describes the individual process steps in the asylum procedure and when which data is collected by which authority and stored in which databases for which purpose. In addition, important data protection and data quality assurance measures are described.
