The information collection on migration

Entry regulations - First steps - the EU Blue Card - Settling in Germany - The electronic residence title

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Entry regulations for Germany

If you wish to travel to Germany from a third country, you will normally require a visa to enter the country. You will find further information here.

Digital German Courses

In this section you will find information on where you can learn German free of charge and where to find out about life in Germany.

First steps in Germany

Just arrived in Germany? You will find valuable information on your first steps in Germany here.

The EU Blue Card

The EU Blue Card is a residence title for graduates which is intended to facilitate and promote the permanent migration of highly-qualified persons from outside the EU to Germany.

Settling in Germany

If you have held a residence title in Germany for at least five years without interruption, you may be eligible for an open-ended residence permit, subject to certain conditions.

The electronic residence title

All citizens living in Germany from countries outside the EU have been issued with an electronic residence title since 1 September 2011. The information stored on this card includes personal data and biometric characteristics.

Accelerated procedure for skilled workers

With the entry into force of the Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz (Immigration act for skilled personnel in Germany) on 1 March 2020, companies and skilled workers from third countries have the opportunity to shorten the entry procedure.