The 2022 Annual Report of the Research Centre , Date: 2023.07.06, format: Annual Report of Research Centre, area: Authority

The Annual Report provides an overview of the main areas of work of the Research Centre of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (short: BAMF Research Centre) in 2022. It presents both ongoing and completed research projects, as well as the publications that have been released.

First of all, the project "Ukrainian Refugees in Germany" should be highlighted. Immediately after the start of the war against Ukraine in the spring of 2022, the BAMF Research Centre started to launch a joint research project on refugees from Ukraine with three cooperation partners (SOEP, BiB and IAB). The aim is to investigate the circumstances of the flight as well as the arrival and participation of the refugees in Germany, and thus to create a foundation for political decision-making processes. The initial results were presented in December 2022 at the Federal Press Conference and met with great interest in the media.

Equally noteworthy is the study on ethnic German resettlers. The study entitled "Successful integration?" was published at the end of March 2022. It is the outcome of a cooperation project between the scientific staff of the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) and the BAMF Research Centre. It met with lively interest from the press and was discussed at several events with stakeholders from administration, the political arena and academia, as well as with BAMF staff.

The IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees is another important project which has been running since 2016. It is a nationwide longitudinal survey which targets individuals who came to Germany between 2013 and 2019 and have applied for asylum here. The extensive survey programme allows for a comprehensive analysis of developments in the life situations of refugees over time. The BAMF Research Centre's research in 2022 focused on refugees' housing situations and on developments during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Another highlight was the first anniversary event of our Research Data Centre with numerous representatives from other such centres. The BAMF Research Data Centre is already well connected and positioned after just one year. By establishing new structures, the BAMF Research Data Centre is in some processes even already acting as a model for others.

The Annual Report is only available in German.

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