The naturalisation of foreigners in Germany , Date: 2008.07.30, Order number: FFWP17, format: Working paper, area: Authority

From the series "Integration Report", Part 3

The naturalisation of foreigners in Germany has been an important topic of integration policy for a considerable time. Working Paper 17 starts by providing an overview of the relevant data sources (official statistics, microcensus and various surveys of empirical social research), as well as on the legal basis of naturalisation in Germany. Then, the development of the naturalisation figures since 2000 is analysed, including by the countries of origin, age and sex of the naturalised persons. Another chapter discusses the scope of dual and multiple nationality in Germany using the Microcensus and in the context of naturalisation, for instance among so-called "option children".

In addition to these official data, surveys of empirical social research offer knowledge on willingness to be naturalised and the motives for this among foreigners. Corresponding evaluations of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and of the (RAM - Representative survey on selected migrant groups in Germany) implemented by the BAMF are presented in the working paper. It is then discussed using ALLBUS data what attitudes there are among the German population towards the naturalisation of foreigners and how these attitudes have changed over time.

Author of the study: Dr. Susanne Worbs

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