The service for citizens , Date: 2023.10.26, format: Article, area: Authority

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The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees' service for citizens will answer your questions about the Immigration Act (Zuwanderungsgesetz) - for instance on the integration course, on the law on residence or on the topic of naturalisation.

You can reach the service for citizens by telephone on +49 911 943-0
from Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

The service for citizens answers enquiries by telephone and e-mail in German and English.

Legal information or individual legal advice

Please bear in mind that for legal reasons the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees cannot give out legal information or individual legal advice. You can obtain legal advice from lawyers, notaries and other authorised persons and agencies.

In addition to the service for citizens, the standard public authorities’ hotline number 115 is available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to answer questions and provide information concerning further local, regional and national issues.*

*The standard public authorities’ hotline number is currently operational in twelve Federal Länder and 450 local authorities. It can also be used to reach all Federal authorities and institutions. Calls from landlines will be charged at local rates (and are included in flat rates). You can find mobile phone rates and further information on the D115 website.

Information on the status of an asylum application

If you have questions about the status of your asylum application, please send the following information and documents with your request by e-mail to

  • BAMF file number (7-digits resp. 8-digits + country code),
  • last name, first name, date of birth, place of birth, current address,
  • a copy of your valid proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis) or a copy of front and back sides of your valid temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltsgestattung)

For reasons of data protection, please submit all the above mentioned documents with each request, otherwise your request cannot be processed. Documents that have already been sent to us with previous requests will not be kept or saved.

Provision of information on the status of an asylum application to third parties

If you are a third party and you would like to receive information on the status of an asylum application, please send the following information and documents with your request by e-mail to

  • BAMF file number (7-digit resp. 8-digits + country code),
  • last name, first name, date of birth, place of birth of all applicants of the respective file number,
  • current address,
  • a valid power of attorney (for this purpose you can use the partial power of attorney (Teilvollmacht) provided for download in the section "Download"),
  • a copy of front and back sides of valid permission to reside of all applicants of the respective file number,
  • a copy of the front side of your* valid personal document (*of the requesting third party)..

All the information on the personal document of the requesting third party can be blackened, except the photograph, name and last name. However, the identity document must be identified as such, since it is used to authenticate and thus protect the data related to the asylum procedure.

For reasons of data protection, please submit all the above mentioned information and documents with each request, otherwise the request cannot be processed. Documents that have already been sent to us with previous requests will not be kept or saved.

Important note

  • Please send us only copies of personal documents (e.g., identity card or passport). A driving licence, an employee ID card or a legal guardian's ID are not sufficient for this purpose.
  • We will not be able to provide you with requested information if you do not submit all the above mentioned information and documents.

Enquiries in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (Informationsfreiheitsgesetz - IFG) came into force in 2006. This Act ensures that everyone has access to official information from this authority.

We will be pleased to receive an e-mail containing your enquiry at:

We generally answer enquiries within four weeks unless third parties need to be involved in accordance with section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Please provide us with a complete postal address, as no anonymous enquiries will be processed.

Before you make an enquiry, you are legally obliged in accordance with section 9 subsection (3) of the Freedom of Information Act to examine whether this information is publicly available. We are not obliged to provide information should this be the case.

Please note that the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has posted considerable amounts of information, statistics, procedures, forms, studies and the like on this website. Please therefore make sure that the information that you are looking for is not already online here.

The information that you ask for will be provided in the official language, i.e. in German.

Please also verify whether the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees really is the right authority, i.e. that it is permitted in accordance with section 7 subsection (1) of the Freedom of Information Act to have the official information. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is for instance not responsible for legislation.

Finally, please note that enquirers may have to pay fees of up to € 500 in accordance with section 10 of the Freedom of Information Act. However, this is always looked into in individual cases, and enquirers are informed in advance of the amount of the fee that would be chargeable. You can then decide whether you wish to uphold the enquiry.