BAMF project to implement blockchain , format: Article, area: Authority

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Together with the Federal Office, the Information Systems Project Group of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) and an implementation partner developed a feasibility study (a “proof of concept”) in a first project phase (from February to June 2018). By taking the example of a simplified asylum process, the project team evaluated the opportunities offered by blockchain technology, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The focus here was placed on both technical and professional aspects in general, and on issues related to data protection law in particular. As had been anticipated, the results show considerable room for improvement with regard to several aspects of cooperation across public authorities, and form a promising basis for developing a data protection-compliant blockchain-based solution for the asylum process.


Blockchain is a decentralised database structure in which data are stored in cryptographic, interlinked blocks within a peer-to-peer network. Blockchain arranges these data in a chronological, structured sequence. The programme code (“smart contracts”) stored on the blockchain moreover makes processes more efficient, enhances their transparency, and makes it easier to identify process discrepancies.

Project phase I – Results

The blockchain solution that was developed always stores the current status updates of the respective asylum process for each asylum-seeker. A status update states for instance that an asylum notice has already been created by the BAMF, and whether asylum was approved or rejected. This status can be picked up by the other participating authorities in order to initiate processes of their own. As a result, when a positive notice is issued by the BAMF for instance, the responsible immigration authority can issue a residence permit directly and with barely any time delay.

Added value identified from blockchain technology

Blockchain can offer significant potential for improvement in the asylum process in relation to various aspects of cooperation across authorities.

This includes:

  • Integrity: The process logic (also referred to as smart contracts) stored in the blockchain can be used to prevent or fully document process discrepancies.
  • Rapidity: Given that knowledge of asylum-seekers’ current status is constantly up-to-date, waiting times for stages of the procedure across authorities can be reduced and the overall process significantly expedited.
  • Security: Using blockchain technology guarantees that asylum process statuses that have been stored are retained, whilst at the same time helping to ensure that they are stored in a manner that is in keeping with data protection as well as decentralised.
  • Transparency: Every public authority that is part of the blockchain network receives the same status of the selected asylum processes virtually in real time.

Project phase II – Pilot testing

The evaluation of the proof-of-concept (feasibility study: blockchain as a basis for a faster, more secure asylum process available as a download in the right-hand column) is used as a foundation for developing an individual blockchain architecture for use in the asylum processes. The architecture has been piloted since August 2018, together with the immigration authority and the AnkER centre in Dresden. Refinements are also being made to both digital and personal communication through pilot testing. Once the first pilot phases are complete, a decision will be taken as to whether it is to be implemented in other locations.