
IT research is an important component in supporting digitization in the Federal Office and at the same time giving the cooperation partners insights into the current topics of digitization.

IT research at the Federal Office

With its network of partners in science and research, the BAMF is seeking to bring about joint innovations in digitalising internal processes. The various forms of research cooperation give the partners an insight into the software development processes of a “digital, breathing” public authority.

Work on academic theses

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees offers the option to write an academic thesis (e.g. students’ final papers and doctoral theses) on the core topics of digitalisation. This enables students and researchers to obtain sound knowledge of a topical practical field within digitalisation. Academic theses can be written in the following subject areas:

  • agile organisational forms and forms of work,
  • expansion of case analytics,
  • IT architecture management,
  • blockchain,
  • cloud technologies,
  • Artificial Intelligence,
  • end-to-end digital processes.

Events held on the BAMF’s IT topics

Joint events related to the BAMF’s IT topics are held as part of cooperating with educational and research facilities. University courses as well as student seminars can be held, as can focus and networking events with research facilities, companies in the IT industry and other authorities.

A joint seminar was held from 7 November 2019 to 9 January 2020 on the topic of “Digital Transformation, Communication & Integration”, in cooperation with the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Research colloquia

Doctoral students and researchers are invited to present their research results on IT topics in the form of lectures. This provides a forum for discussing new technologies and making them useful for science and research.

Joint publications

The results of research cooperation are to be collected in joint publications, thus making a contribution to IT sciences.

Involvement of researchers and students in ongoing IT projects

Aiming to incorporate innovative solutions from software development into the optimisation of work processes in the BAMF, the Federal Office seeks to include researchers and students in ongoing IT projects for the development of applications. This can take place either in the context of working on theses, or of joint research projects.

Lectures in educational and research facilities

The BAMF is currently offering lectures on current topics from the Digitalisation Agenda 2020.

Your opportunity to work with us

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to become a part of our network, if you have a relevant research proposal, or if you would like to enable your students to obtain sound knowledge of a topical practical field within digitalisation.

IT-Forschung im Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge format: Flyer

Durch das Netzwerk mit Partnern aus Wissenschaft und Forschung sowie die verschiedenen Kooperationsformen strebt das Bundesamt den Austausch mit externen Forschungseinrichtungen und Wissenschaftlern an.