Integration courses for asylum applicants and persons whose deportation has been temporarily suspended , Date: 2018.11.28, format: Article, area: Integration

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If you would like to know whether you may attend an integration course, what the course will cost you and how to find the right course, then you have come to the right place.

Who may attend?

You may attend an integration course if you are an asylum applicant with good prospects to remain (Eritrea, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan), if you are an asylum-seeker who entered Germany before 1 August 2019, if your deportation has been temporarily suspended (Duldung) in accordance with section 60 a subsection (2), sentence 3, of the Residence Act (AufenthG), or if you are a holder of a residence permit in accordance with section 25 subsection (5) of the Residence Act.

What do you need to do if you would like to attend?

The application for admission

If you belong to one of the abovementioned groups of individuals, you can apply to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to be admitted to an integration course.

You can download the application for admision in the Download area. You will need to send the completed application to:

Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
Referat 82G
90343 Nürnberg

Obligation to attend

If you are an asylum applicant, you may also be obliged to attend an integration course in addition to admission by the Federal Office. If you are obliged to attend an integration course, please promptly register for a course.

You will find more information on this in the information sheet for obligatory attendees, which you can download at the end of this page.

If you obliged to attend, it is important for you to actually attend the integration course. Your benefits may be reduced if you fail to do so.

What does it cost to attend the course?

You are not obliged to pay to attend the course.

Registering with a course provider

If you have received your certificate of eligibility for the integration course (Berechtigungsschein) from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, or are obliged to attend an integration course, please register with an integration course provier.

You can find an integration course provider in your area for instance using the BAMF-NAvI search engine.

Alternatively, you can obtain a list of course providers from the immigration authority or from the immigration advisory service (Migrationsberatungsstelle) in your area.

Locally-available advice

Where can I find an integration course near me?

Where can I find a migration advice center in my city?

Where are integration projects?

BAMF-NAvI leads you to diverse integration offers close to home.

To the geographic information system

What should I do next?

The course provider will have you sit an assessment test to ascertain your present knowledge of German. This assessment test will help the integration course provider to find a suitable course for you, as well as telling you when the next course is due to begin.

The "Allocation" pilot project

The Federal Office is currently testing a new procedure at 24 project locations in order to quickly enable individuals who are entitled or obliged to attend an integration course to do so.

If you live in one of these project locations, the Federal Office can refer or allocate you to a specific course provider:

  • individuals who are entitled to attend an integration course or have been admitted to attend a course can be referred by the Federal Office to a specific provider which has the right course on offer. You will then be instructed to attend an appropriate course.
  • individuals who are obliged to attend an integration course can be allocated by the Federal Office to a specific provider which has the right course on offer. Anyone who is allocated to attend an integration course is obliged to actually go to the course.

The Federal Office will ensure in both cases that the courses are easy to reach for the attendees, and that they begin in good time.

You will find more information on the pilot project by following the link below on "Holistic integration course management".